Wednesday 16 October 2013


what is the purpose of a storyboard:
The reason why a storyboard is planned before shooting a music video is to understand what shots will be used in the song and at what times, this helps with time management of production, it also allows any room for error and for it to be improved this then reduces money loss and save money for  the production company.
in order for there to be a music video a record company must first fund the artist, without a storyboard the record label has nothing to go on on how much of a budget to set and what will be required in the video. Having a starboard allows the artist and director to portray basic ideas on the production and how the finished will look and be able to compare  the finished product to the original storyboard. With out a storyboard it world be nearly impossible to sell the idea to a client.

The way that My group and I  came up with the ideas of our music video is that we developed a questionnaire that allowed us to ask the public what they would like to and expect to see in a music a video, the feedback we received is what gave us our initial planing ideas that we want to incorporate into our music video. this was our primary research and what gave us our main ideas that we should incorporate into our music video, the secondary research that was used to further our knowledge in what we should use in our music video came from watching music videos from the same artist who's song we have chosen and also viewing similar music videos from the same genre of music that we have chosen.

The way my group and I storyboard our music video is that we listened to our chosen song several times, we then brainstormed ideas on whet we should incorporate into our music video and if it would flow with the beat of the song and if it would closely relate to the lyrics.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining what the purpose of a storyboard is, but you also need to incude evidence of your storyboards too.
