Tuesday 22 October 2013

Planning cinematography

why is cinematography important?
what 4 camera shots will you use?
what effect do they create?
what is their purpose to your music video?
how does it build a relationship with your audience?

The use of cinematography  in the music industry is to find the perfect camera shot to portray the artist or object used in the particular scene. the reason for this is because it makes the video look as professional as it can be wile also considering there budget for the video.Each different camera shot and angle has a different effect on the scene and on the audience, It also is used to show different power and authority between characters in the music video for example if there is a fight between a couple then the male figure will be seen more dominant and he will be shown to be powerful by a ow camera angle.

In our music video four camera angles that we are certain of using are a Panning shot, close up, mid shot and a low angle shot. Each different camera angle and shot has been used for a different reason this is because different moments in our music video need to be represented by the right camera angle to give a certain effect that will have a particular impact on the audience the use of the right camera angle or shot is crucial as without it there could the audience could louse interest in the music video if the shots are too repetitive and if they don't make sense or flow with the story of the music video the audience can be turned of all together.

Panning shot 
The reason that my group and I have decided to use this shot is because it has enabled us to create a effect and it also shows our artist trying to move on from his previous relationship but he can not find the right girl to replace her with. The way that we are going to create this effect is we are going to have the artist and a girl he is on a date with walk past a tree as we follow them with a camera they pass behind the tree and come out from behind it as they appear from behind the tree it will show the same artist but with a different girl on the same date. We think that the audience can relate to this as after getting out of a relationship there is a period of time where you are looking for someone to replace them with however its never the same for a period and and its meaningless being with them

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing one camera shot, that you would like to include within your music video, and you have also explained the example well, of where it will be evident in your music video.

    However, you still need to include three other camera shots that you would like to include within your music video, to demonstrate further planning techniques. Also aim to include images, to support the points that you have made.n
