Wednesday 9 October 2013

research into Music channels

1)    Who is the target audience and why?
2)    What type of music does the channel play and why?
3)    Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis
4)    How is the channel used as a form of branding?
5)    How does the logo appeal to the target audience? (Consider the colours and connotations, size of fonts, style of logo)

MTV has a a wide target audience and this is because they offer a wide verity of music, this ranges from hip hop and dance to heavy metal and punk rock but what they regularly show on there main channel is pop and dance, the reason for this is because this genre of music has a much larger target audience.
There are a wide verity of artists that are shown on MTV and this either because they are causing controversy in the media or that have released a new song that has managed to make it into the to 40 charts which MTV play every week some artists that are constantly on MTV are Rihanna, Katy perry, DJ fresh and Miley Cyrus.
the way that MTV is used as a form of branding is that the main company owns its own magazine and other sub-channels, the reason for this is to widen there target audience as each different sub channel only plays a specific genre of music.
The original colours for the logo have been black and white but in resent years they have changed the colours to make the logo more appealing however may people feel that although the black and white in plain it represents a unity of black and white culture.

The next music channel I looked at was Kerrang!
, the target audience for Kerrang! has looked at is fans or the rock genre and this is because before Karrang! tv was released there wasn't a tv channel that was strictly dedicated to rock so this music channel found a gap in the market  and took full advantage of it. the only type of music that this music channel plays is rock ranging from punk rock to heavy metal.bands that are frequently on the music channel are the foo fighters, my chemical romance and slipknot. The way that Kerrang! have used as a form of branding is that like Mtv they have there own magazine has  been realised weekly from 1981 as well as they have there own radio station. Just like Mtv the Kerrang logo is dark and is not at all colourful and this is because rock music is normally full of sorrow and anger which is why the logo for Kerrang is black because it relates to the occasional styles of rock.

This next music Channel i am looking at is Kiss, The main genre of music kiss offers to its audience is hip hopR&Burban and electronic dance music the reason for this is these genres of music have been found to be the most popular with both genders aged 14-25 it is because of this that kiss it 1 of the UKs most listened to radio and music channels.
some artist that are regularly played by Kiss are Flo rider, Demi lovato, rita ora
a way that Kiss brands itself  is that it has be come a global music and radio station and has other radio stations based in other countries and regions of the world, because of this Kiss has become a global phenomenon and is well known throughout the world The Logo of Kiss fm is a bright shade of blue on a white background which is not easily  missed if posted on a bill board or in a article of a magazine. It also has a very unique logo by having a very a distinctive parallelogram representing The K In kiss.

VH1 is the next music channel I will be looking at and is very similar
to kiss as they both offer the same genre of music to there audience. Vh1have a much better laid out website as it offers not only music but information on what is happening within the music industry and events that are either going on or that are up coming.VH1 do not specialise in playing one specific genre of music instead they play whet ever the DJ on the day has be instructed to and they also get the                                                       audience by taking any requests made by the public. VH1 do not have a set of specific artist that they play on a regular instead they will play any songs that have made the top 40 chart, they work this out by looking at the most downloaded songs of that particular week.VH1 was originally a american tv channel trying to gain the same success as its sister channel Mtv


summary questions

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of the purpose of music channels and how they appeal to an audience. You have analysed the channels well and you have also considered the type of colours that are used.

    However, further description of the artists that feature, playlists and target audiences are needed, to demonstrate further understanding.
