Friday 18 October 2013


Copyright is a law that states that the original creator has exclusive right to the product, however this is only enforced for a period of time, the original use of copyright was a way that the government could reduce the use of a product being copied and reused for another own benifitial gain to make profit. many critics claim that the copyright law protects corporate interests while criminalising legitimate use,

Because we are using a song that already has the copyright law in forced  on it we must ask permission from the artist or record label to use the song without them allowing us to used there product we will be breaking the law and will have any work we have produced using there product taken away or removed from any websites we have published it on. To make sure we are operating within our legal bounders we have devised a letter that we will send to the record label asking them permission to use there product

Dear copyright holder,

We are a group of A Level student’s from West Hatch High School, writing to request your permission for the song You my everything (skins fire remix)  by Ellie Goulding With your permission, we would create a music video for this song, which would part of our coursework.
The song would only be used in an educational context, viewed only by our media class and OCR examination’s officer. It will not be released to a large audience. The audience and your company would of course, be recognised throughout and a copyright notice may be added to our projects if you wish. In this case, you may send us this information.
We look forward in hearing from you,

Kind regards
K.A. Records  

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing why applying for music copyright is essential to carry out. You have made a start in definining the purpose of music copyright in the industry, but you need to include your reference material too.

    Aim to include your reply from your music label, once you have received it
