Sunday 5 January 2014

Rough cut

Why is a rough cut important: The importance of a rough cut of your music video is so that you can get a general gist of what the final product will look like and also to see where shots need smoothing and if effects need to be put in place. The reasons behind a rough cut of a music video is to make sure that all shots flow with the lyrics involved in the music video and that the artists image is shown correctly.

 Audience feedback:The reason for feedback of a music video is so that you can see where you need to improve the music video to fits conventions of the genre and how to make it more appealing to the audience. Constructive criticism is a way that can make a standard music video stand out and more authentic and individual.

Feedback:The way in which I received feedback on the rough cut of my music video is by uploading the rough copy onto YouTube. doing this enables me to receive feedback by a wide a varied audience, this is because YouTube publishes you music video on a World Wide Web browser that is easily accessible by anyone with a computer and internet. 
Another way how I received feedback on my video is by showing several people in my class and asking them on the over all opinion on the video. I also asked for both pros and cons of the video and how I could improve it to make it more enjoyable for the viewer to watch.
The feedback I have received after uploading my Music video to youtube is mostly positive and encouraging, however we have focused ore on the negatives that have been commented about our music video.
The comments that  we most closely focused on were that most people found that the music did not fit  perfectly in time with the artist and that some shots were either jumpy or did not smooth into the music video.
The way that i will go about improving my music video is by first looking at where the main faults are within my music video and improving them to fit more of a convention of the genre of music if that is the case, if not then i will use the former feedback that i received to make the music video more appealing to the audience

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining why it is important to receive audience feedback and you have considered various reasons and purposes. However, you have not included any feedback that you received, to support your points and you have not considered your improvments and what you would change in your final cut of your video. These points need to be explored and elaborated in further detail.

    Also you need to include your rough cut too
