Wednesday 22 January 2014

planning artist image

In this blog I will be discussing why a artists image is important within a music video and how we are going to represent our artist in our music video.
The way that we want our artist "Beth"to be represented and shown to our target audience is as a innocent girl in what seems to be a normal and steady relationship with "George"who is the artists boyfriend for the majority of the music video.

Costumes: In our music video we had 3 major costumes that we had our main artist and they were used to show the transformation of the artist as her relationship ends and new one begins.
The first costume we used was to show our audience that our artist was not of norm and dressed different to those in dance music videos. this follows the convention of indie pop as she is dressed quirky.  To achieve this effect we used a tartan patterned jumper as well as wearing a summer hat indoors in the winter, this shows that she does not conform to a stereotypical dress code of a typical woman.

As the music video progresses and the scenes we used moved outside we Decided that dressing our artist
in a white dress with a black coat over the top, We used this to give a sense of mystery about our character and to show that her being in the relationship has made her hide her true self away from the world and that he is making her change . the white dress was used to show the innocence of the artist and that it is not necessarily her fault that her relationship is slowly falling apart.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not considered the purpose of the artist clothing in detail. You have also not focused on the various clothing that your artist wears in the different scenes, which makes this post minimal and basic.
