Thursday 13 February 2014


    The purpose of a storyboard is so that you set plan of action of what scenes you are going to film when and where, without a storyboard you would have an unclear idea of what to film, it also gibes you more diversity of what angles you can use as you are keeping note of what angels and effects you have used through out filming 

 We used our questionnaires to see what we should include like the bass speaker and what artist would be best to use. The public like the use of filters and revering shots to make them more effective. Looking at similar artist also help with what we should include within it, because they use a lot of still images that are used more as imagery to the song and have thing that are shown at the beginning and then made sense of. 

conners job was to draw the storyboards and think of the ideas but I also helped with ideas on what to use though out working though it. We also looked at other music videos that had similar artist so that we could have some same scenes and angles so it would look alike the other videos. When filming we changed some of what was going to happen with out music video due to people not being free when we needed to film and not being able to get to all the locations. But we still used the same theme, and used most of the same settings and also stuck to the same angles and lighting. By having the storyboard we knew how much we needed to film and what different things we needed to film so that the music video wasn't boring or seem like it was repetitive. We ended up filming over 150 different videos so that we knew we would have the same thing over and over again. We also used 10 different scenes so the music video could flow throughout. 

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates some understanding of why storyboards are important to a production. You have started to focus on the research that you gathered, but this needs to be explained and explored in a lot more detail. You also need to provide further detail, as to why you changed some of your plans.
