Thursday 26 September 2013

Initial planning ideas

The mermberes im working are connor kus and alex rossi. The reason i chose to work with

In our first meeting the idears we discussed wrere what tempo our song was going to be weither it was going to be up beat or a slow emotional song,in the end settled on a up beat tempo as we thought there are more ideas that we can introiduce into our music video if it is more of a feel good song.
Our original idea was up all night by Mac Miller as if would go well with a party but however changed it as we felt it would be to repetative, because of this we changed it to road rage by Dizzy Rascal which was alex`s idea but as this was more of a rap song and rather fast so would be hard to edit and plan a story that flowed that up beat party we scrapped it and settled on you ,my everything by Ellie Golding this is because while listining to the song we came up with a well thought out music video that can relate to the audience.

after setteling on

1 comment:

  1. Within this post you also need to include your A3 planning sheets, to demonstrate your initial planning. Read over your work, as you have missed out on completing your sentences.
